When your Oracle is unable to connect, do the following procedure
Open command prompt
Connect as sysdba
cmd> sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
sql> startup
Once the command executed successfully, then you should be able to login to Oracle
Today I am going to share the knowledge of capturing network packets in local system i.e. localhost.
Using RawCap utility, you can capture the loopback adapter packets which are our localhost packets.
Download the RawCap.exe from Netresec website url http://www.netresec.com/?page=RawCap
Once you download it
Open command prompt with administrator privileges
You have the following options while running the RawCap.exe
RawCap.exe -c <-> Stop capturing after the specified packet count reached-> -f <-> Flush each packet without buffering-> -s
Example 1: RawCap.exe dump.pcap Note: Ctrl + C to stop the capturing
Example 2: RawCap.exe -c 1000 dump.pcap
After 1000 packets, the capturing will stop