April 29, 2022

Publish and Consume NPM Packages using GitHub Package Manager

 Hi folks,

We are used to publishing the npm packages on npmjs.com. Today, I will show how we can publish the npm packages to GitHub and the steps to use those packages.

1. Publishing Packages


We need to have an account with GitHub

JavaScript native/framework based project with package.json

Add the .npmrc file to your project with the following syntax. Change the OWNER value to your GitHub account or organization name.


Publishing Process to GitHub

Create personal access token using the following steps

  • Login to GitHub
  • Go to Settings
  • Navigate to "Developer Settings" -> "personal access tokens"
  • Generate token with write:packages access permissions

  • Open terminal in the project folder
  • Execute the command to login
  • npm login --scope=@OWNER --registry=https://npm.pkg.github.com
  • When prompted,
    • Username: GitHub username
    • Password: Personal access token
    • Public e-mail: Your email address
  • Enter the following command to publish the package
  • npm publish

2. Consume/Installing the packages


We need to have an account with GitHub


Add the .npmrc file to your project with the following syntax. Change the OWNER value to your GitHub author or organization name.


Enter the full name @OWNER/package-name-version in dependencies in package.json
Install the dependencies
npm install

Note: If the organization is asking for authorization of personal access token, then you need to authorize from the personal access token section against the token for the respective organization.

Hope you will make use of GitHub for publishing the packages and consuming them with ease.

Request you to send your feedback and comments to psrdotcom@gmail.com

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Please send your review and feedback to psrdotcom@gmail.com